
Color is a value type that stores RGBA colors.

Literal syntax

Colors are written starting with a # character followed by the color name. Zing defines the following colors:

You can define custom color names in your project's "Fonts and Colors" section. You can also specify a color explicitly using either a six or eight character hexadecimal RGB or RGBA format string.

property Color grayColor: #a3a3a3         // RGB
property Color transparentBlue: #0000FF7F // RGBA
property Color backgroundColor: #blue     // Color name

property Float red

property Float green

property Float blue

property Float alpha

The red, green, blue and alpha components of the color in RGB color space.

property Float hslHueread only

property Float hslSaturationread only

property Float hslLightnessread only

Returns the hue, saturation and lightness component of the color in HSL color space.

property Float hsvHueread only

property Float hsvSaturationread only

property Float hsvValueread only

Returns the hue, saturation and value component of the color in HSV color space.

static function Color.mix(Color color1, Color color2, Float amount) → Color

static function Color.tween(Color color1, Color color2, Float amount) → Color

Returns a linear blend of color2 into color1. That is, color1 * (1 - amount) + color2 * amount for each of the red, green, blue and alpha channels.

Tween behaves the same as mix, unless either color1 or color2 are #transparent. In this case, tween only interpolates the alpha channel, preserving the red, green and blue channels of the non-transparent color. This is usually the visual appearance you want went tweening between transparent and another color.

static function Color.rgb(Float red, Float green, Float blue) → Color

static function Color.rgb(Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha) → Color

Returns a new color from red, green, blue and alpha (RGB) component values. The component values should be between 0 and 1.

Color.rgb(50/255, 198/255, 64/255)
Color.rgb(0.2, 0.45, 0.3)       
Color.rgb(0.2, 0.45, 0.3, 0.7)

static function Color.hsl(Float hue, Float saturation, Float lightness) → Color

static function Color.hsl(Float hue, Float saturation, Float lightness, Float alpha) → Color

Returns a new color from the HSL hue, saturation and lightness values. The hue value should be between 0 and 360, and the saturation, lightness and alpha values between 0 and 1.

static function Color.hsv(Float hue, Float saturation, Float value) → Color

static function Color.hsv(Float hue, Float saturation, Float value, Float alpha) → Color

Returns a new color from the HSV hue, saturation and value values. The hue value should be between 0 and 360, and the saturation, value and alpha values between 0 and 1.

static function Color.hex(String hex) → Color

Returns a new color from the specified hex color string, in either rgb or rgba form. An optional leading '#' character is allowed.

Color.hex("#f09") // #FF0099

static function Color.darken(Color color, Float amount) → Color

Returns a copy of color, with the lightness in the HSL color space decreased by the absolute amount. The amount is a value between 0 and 1.

Color.darken(#orange, 0.3)
Color.darken(Color.rgb(.3,.4,.7), 0.3)

static function Color.lighten(Color color, Float amount) → Color

Returns a copy of color, with the lightness in the HSL color space increased by the absolute amount. The amount is a value between 0 and 1.

Color.lighten(#orange, 0.3)
Color.lighten(Color.rgb(.3,.4,.7), 0.3)

static function Color.saturate(Color color, Float amount) → Color

Returns a new color value. Increase the saturation of a color in the HSL color space by an absolute amount.

Color.saturate(#e3cbb8, 0.3)
Color.saturate(Color.rgb(.3,.4,.7), 0.3)

static function Color.desaturate(Color color, Float amount) → Color

Returns a new color value. Decrease the saturation of a color in the HSL color space by an absolute amount.

Color.desaturate(#orange, 0.3)
Color.desaturate(Color.rgb(.3,.4,.7), 0.3)

static function Color.fade(Color color, Float value) → Color

Returns a new color value. Sets a color to an absolute alpha (opacity) value. The amount is a value between 0 and 1.

Color.fade(#orange, 0.3)
Color.fade(Color.rgb(.3,.4,.7), 0.3)

static function Color.random() → Color

Returns a new random color. The color is always opaque, with an alpha value of 1.
