Extends Gesture
A discrete gesture recognizer for single or multi-finger long-presses.
Item { with Gesture.LongPress { touchesRequired: 2 on longPressed { System.log("A two-finger long press!") } } }
property Bool isLongPressedread only
event longPressed()
The longPresed() event is emitted when the long press is first recognized. The isLongPressed property will remain true for as long as the long press is still being held and recognized.
property Bool isPressedread only
The isPressed property will be true when the gesture is being pressed and either is still eligible to become a long press, or already is a long press.
This property is useful for giving visual feedback that an active area has been touched before the full long press is registered. In the case of multi-tap or multi-touch long press gestures, isPressed will become true for the first touch of each tap.
property Int touchesRequired: 1
The number of figers that must be pressed for the gesture to be recognized.
For example, to register a two-finger long press set touchesRequired to 2.
property Int minimumPressDuration: 500
The time, in milliseconds, that the use must press to trigger the gesture.