A dictionary is a container that maps one value, called the key, to another another value.
property Dictionary<String, String> strings property Dictionary<Item, Rectangle> rectangles property Dictionary<Int, CustomButton> buttons
You can create a dictionary directly using the dictionary literal syntax shown below.
var animals = [ "Dog" : "Mammalia", "Goldfish" : "Osteichthyes" ]
As with Arrays, you use the subscript syntax for accessing a key's value. If the key does not exist in the dictionary, a default value is returned.
System.log("A Dog belongs to class " + animals["Dog"])
New keys can also be added, and existing keys modified, by direct assignment using the same subscript syntax.
animals["Earthworm"] = "Oligochaeta"
The number of entries in the dictionary.
var animals = [ "Dog" : "Mammalia", "Goldfish" : "Osteichthyes" ] System.log(animals.length) // prints '2'
Return an array containing the keys in the dictionary. The order of keys is undefined.
The keys array can be used to loop over all entries in a dictionary.
var legCounts = [ "dog": 4, "emu": 2, "centipede": 100 ] for var animal in legCounts.keys() { System.log("A {0} has {1} legs".arg(animal, legCounts[animal])) } // A emu has 2 legs // A dog has 4 legs // A centipede has 100 legs
function contains(keytype key) → Bool
Returns true if the dictionary contains the key, otherwise false.
var animals = [ "Dog" : "Mammalia", "Goldfish" : "Osteichthyes" ] System.log(animals.contains("Dog")) // prints 'true' System.log(animals.contains("Cat")) // prints 'false'
function remove(keytype key)
Removes key from the dictionary if it exists and returns true, otherwise does nothing and returns false.
var animals = [ "Dog" : "Mammalia", "Goldfish" : "Osteichthyes" ] animals.remove("Dog") System.log(animals.contains("Dog")) // prints 'false'